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Staff at Mount pleasant
Lead pastor
earl bradshaw
Pastor Earl Bradshaw has been at Mount Pleasant Methodist Church since July 2019. He has served in full-time ministry since 1994. He has been married to Kim since 1988. Earl's ministry philosophy is simple: Love God, love people, and preach the Word of God. In his spare time, Earl enjoys photography and working on his Christmas light show.
Associate pastor
natalie Culp
Pastor Natalie Culp grew up as a member of Mount Pleasant Methodist Church and after being in fulltime ministry since 2015, returned to MPMC as a staff member in July 2023. She has three children: Leo, Grace and Ben, who all love serving at their church. Natalie loves God, loves people and helping every person find their ministry field! In her spare time she enjoys, singing, crochet, vegetable gardening, cooking, baking/cake decorating, sewing and watching football.
Camille wells
Camille Wells has been at Mount Pleasant Methodist Church since 2006 and the Children’s pastor for the last 9 years. She is married to Brad and they have a daughter, Ella. Camille will say her favorite day is any day with the kids! Her ministry is to reach all children so they will know Jesus! Camille enjoys design and sewing in her free time.
Financial Secratary
Sharon sellers
Sharon Sellers is a long time member at MPMC. She has a love for God and people. She is the nursery director and our financial secretary.
Office administrator
Sabrena lives here in Mt. Pleasant and joined us as the Admin in February 2022. She & her husband Keith are leaders in a Marriage Ministry at their church where they have attended the last 15 years. She has 2 children, who are both in ministry, enjoys her new grandbaby, and loves their weekly family dinners.
Youth pastor
James zahn
James started as the Youth Pastor in 2022. He and his wife Jessye have 4 children. James enjoys archery, movies, and vacations in the mountains.